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Minutes, Annual Report, November 8, 2006

The Annual Meeting of the Salem Redevelopment Authority (SRA) Board was held in the third floor conference room at the City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, on Wednesday, November 8, 2006 at 6:00pm.

Roll Call

Chairman Michael Brennan called the meeting to order, and on roll call the following members were present: Michael Brennan, Michael Connelly, and Russell Vickers.  Also present were Lynn Duncan, Executive Director, and Tania Hartford, Economic Development Planner.

Order of Business

1.   Annual Report

Lynn Duncan presented the Redevelopment Authority’s Annual Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006.  Ms. Duncan noted that her report included urban renewal and downtown core projects over the past year, with the Old Salem Jail being the capstone project.  The Jail project is currently finalizing its review at the DRB and Planning Board and should be coming back to the SRA for final approval next month.  The project is on schedule and is still expected to close early next year.

Mr. Brennan asked if the developer had found a restaurant for the space.  Ms. Duncan stated that they are having problems committing a restaurant to the project, however, the developer is committed to getting a restaurant in that space.

Ms. Duncan further reported that the 18 Crombie Street project is nearing completion with a dedication planned for December, the Market Plan is currently out to bid for a consultant to undertake the project and there were numerous private development projects and plans completed during the past fiscal year.

Ms. Duncan noted that there were no administrative changes during the fiscal year but Christine Sullivan did recently resign from the Board.

Mr. Connelly moved to accept the Redevelopment Authority’s annual Executive Director’s report as presented for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006.  Mr. Vickers seconded the motion, and the motion passed (3-0).

Financial Report

Ms. Duncan presented the Redevelopment Authority’s annual financial report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006.  The board reviewed the report.  Ms. Duncan explained the financial activity for the year noting that they started the year with $85, 615 and ended the year for $115,000.

Mr. Vickers moved to accept the Redevelopment Authority’s financial report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006 as presented.  Mr. Connelly seconded the motion, and the motion passed (3-0).

2.   Election of Officers

Mr. Vickers stated that the officers did a commendable job during the last year and moved that the same officers be elected for a one year term.  The slate is as follows:

Chair           Michael Brennan
Vice Chair      Russell Vickers
Treasurer       Michael Connelly

Mr. Connelly seconded the motion, and the motion passed (3-0).

3.   Approval of 2007 Meeting Schedule

Ms. Duncan presented the 2007 meeting schedule for approval.

Mr. Vickers moved that the 2007 meeting schedule be approved as presented.  Mr. Connelly seconded the motion, and the motion passed (3-0).

4.   Adjournment

There being no further business, Mr. Vickers moved that the meeting be adjourned.  Mr. Connelly seconded the motion, and the motion passed (3-0).

Meeting stands adjourned.  

Respectfully submitted,

Tania Hartford
Economic Development Planner/SRA Staff